
Your Blog Layout settings are very important to set up for your blog to function properly and for it to look the way you want. This article will cover each step you need to get things up and running very quickly!

1. General Settings

When you create an account, Quickblog puts in some default information to make sure the blog shows, however, you need to change some of these! To get to your Blog Layout general settings, click on Settings -> Blog Settings, and then click on the Layout Settings tab.

It's really important to change all the settings here:

Blog Title

This is simply what you want your Blog to be titled in the website/browser. You can put anything here, but try and make it unique.

Blog URL

This is where your Quickblog is hosted, whether you've put it in your own website (e.g. www.domain.com/blog) or you've used on of our free pages to host your blog (we'll send you a confirmation of the URL to put in here!), this must be added in, with the "http://" or "https://" for the blog to display.

SEO Heading

Should be the same as your Blog Title. It's effectively what search engines read your blog name as.

SEO Description

Here you should put some keywords to focus your blog posts (e.g. hobby character painting) as well as a short description as to what type of content is in your blog (e.g. post modernist revolutionary art blog focusing on trascendent and posthumous works, or something of the sort). Try to put no more than 160 characters here, so between 20 & 45 words.

Time Zone

Put your time zone here so that when your blog post goes Live, it has the correct date and time for your region

Posts shown per page 

You can leave this at 10, however, you may want fewer or more blog posts to show before your readers have to skip to the next or previous pages

Quickblog | General Settings

Now that we have covered the general settings, let's look at the additional settings!

2. Additional Settings

The additional settings controls what the blog looks like, so this is important to get right, more for your own tastes than anything else! Click on the additional settings tab on the left to access this:

Blog post columns

This is the option for you to choose whether you want 1, 2 or 3 blog posts showing per line. Either is a good choice to go with

Image and text position

This option allows you to decide where you want your images and text in the main blog.

Blog main image

This option allows you to show/hide the header image for your blog - you may only want text showing, in which case, hide this image

Blog post search

This option is for upgraded accounts only, and allows readers to search through your blog posts

Blog post author preview

This option allows you to show/hide the author details in the blog posts preview

Blog post text preview

This option allows you to show/hide the main text content preview (if you just want to show a title)

Blog categories header

This option allows you to show/hide, at the top, the categories that you've created

Blog navigation menu

This option allows you to show/hide the navigation menu for authors and related posts. If you disable this, your readers won't be able to navigate to or filter your content so easily

Navigation menu position

If you've enabled the previous navigation menu, this option lets you chose whether you want it on the left or the right of the blog posts

Navigation menu position (Margin Bar)

If you've enabled the previous navigation menu, this option sets a clear margin between the blog post and the navigation menu, whether in desktop or mobile view

Blog posts commenting & sharing

If you've set up your keys for Comments (Disqus) and Sharing (ShareThis), these options allow you to enable both across your blog. You'll also have the ability to turn comments and sharing on & off at each blog post.

Quickblog | Additional Settings


Quickblog includes 3 basic blog themes for you to select from if you don't wish to use the default layout. This might be because you don't want to use CSS to style your blog or other customisation settings.

Quickblog Themes

Please see the links below to preview the themes:

1. Theme 1: https://app.quickblog.co/blog-template/1

2. Theme 2: https://app.quickblog.co/blog-template/2

3. Theme 3: https://app.quickblog.co/blog-template/3

It is important to note that when selecting themes, the standard customisation options like Buttons, Featured Posts, etc, will not apply. It's only when using Quickblog's standard layout and customising it do those settings apply.

Table of Contents

All your Blog Posts can now have clickable table of contents applied to them automatically, based on H1 - H3 headers, great for SEO! Enable the option in Blog Settings > Layout Settings > Additional Settings (near the bottom).

Quickblog | Table of Contents


Now that's covered, you're really good to go!

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Diran George

Diran George